It is the responsibility of each individual to monitor the weather, be aware when unsafe driving conditions may be present and make appropriate arrangements to accommodate your personal schedules and situation(s).
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to promote transportation safety by communicating the expectations and responsibilities of the LVPOA Board, residents and all visitors during adverse winter weather conditions in Laurel Valley. Background: Laurel Valley has 12.6 miles of roads ranging from flat to a slope of 25% (25’ of elevation gain over 100’ of roadway) and from an elevation of 1060’ above sea level at the gate house to 1900’ at the top of Kelly Ridge Road. Annual average snowfall is 6 – 7” with an annual average of 3 days when there is snow in excess of 1” deep. Annual average precipitation exceeds 50” and when combined with below freezing temperatures can form ice and create hazardous driving conditions. Policy: The LVPOA Board will develop and maintain a procedure for responding to snow and icy road conditions. There may be some instances when snow and ice removal techniques are not effective and travel on LV roads will be unsafe.
Resident Options: In the past, residents have found that parking a car near the gate house or renting a motel in Maryville has been necessary to ensure they have the ability to meet critical commitments or appointments. In all cases, residents are advised to make necessary preparations to shelter in place for up to several days during severe weather. Items which may be appropriate include, but are not limited to:
A fully charged cell phone for emergency contacts,
Several gallons of water for drinking and flushing toilets,
An adequate supply of medications or necessary medical supplies,
Food which does not require electricity to store or prepare (if you do not have some form of back-up power for your home),
An alternative heat source and fuel (not electric),
Batteries for flashlights or lanterns, candles, oil lamps, etc.,
Battery operated or hand crank weather radio,
Adequate clothing and blankets,
Other items needed for maintenance of personal health and safety.
This list is not exhaustive, and each resident should decide what is appropriate to their situation. Information regarding emergency preparedness for weather related events is available from the Tennessee Emergency Management website.